Thursday, April 30, 2009

New with the Newells

Well, we have two new things...Eric has a beard and looks very distinguished.  He started it on spring break.  Bonnie fractured her foot while we were in Phoenix.  She missed a couple days of school, but has a foot boot type of cast.  She is back to school but comes home and keeps her foot elevated most of the evening.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Spring Break

These are some of our favorite pictures of our week in Phoenix.  Bonnie, Miriam and Bella planted flowers.  Eric and Bella had fun in the tunnels at the Children's Museum.  We love the picture of Gabby and her reflection in the mirror at the museum.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Spring Break

We are having a wonderful spring break in Phoenix with family. Miriam joined us so we have everyone but Shawn with us this week.  We have had lots of activity with Bella and Gabby and our week is only half over.  Here are a few pictures of our fun times!

Eric and Gabby having fun at the park.

Granna and Bella making our famous chocolate cookies!

Granna and Bella running through the water at the park.

Pappa and Bella creating artwork.

The four ladies having fun in the tent, Miriam, Granna, Bella and Gabby.